As we age, what used to be easy boating tasks may become more challenging to accomplish. There may be physical limitations that prevent us from doing some of the required boat work items. Some folks might start to worry about how much longer they will be able to continue to pursue their boating passion.
The baby boomer generation represents the people born in the post-World War II period from 1946 - 1964. There are about 75 million "boomers" in the U.S. The people born in 1946 are turning 65 in 2011 and retiring or may have already retired. Some "boomers" may feel that boat ownership is becoming too much work.
Some examples of boating activities that could become more difficult to accomplish are bailing out the dinghy, getting in and out of the dinghy or boating safely, or even communicating on the boat since our hearing may not be as good as it used to be. Other examples are difficulty raising and lowering the anchor, reefing the mainsail on a sailboat, climbing over the transom, or even needing a pair of bifocal sunglasses to see the charts, GPS, or gauges without switching sunglasses.
The good news is that many products are available to help with these types of boating activities and make these chores easier to accomplish. These products can assist with these activities and allow us to continue to be avid boaters. Many maintenance jobs on a boat can be made less labor-intensive with "the right tool for the job" or other products that can make the job go quicker and with less "elbow grease."
Another option may be to change the type of boating that we do. If sailing becomes too much work, then maybe we could consider changing over to a trawler or powerboat. Please don’t GASP too loud as I am a dedicated sailor, but operating a trawler sure looks like a lot less work.
If your berth on the boat is not as comfortable as it used to be, check out our article called "How to Get a Better Night's Sleep on your Boat."
Sea Dog Boating Solutions, LLC website offers many products that can assist boaters with their tasks. They also provide consulting services to help find solutions to your specific boating issue or concern. Contact Sea Dog Boating Solutions, LLC, to "Enhance Your Boating Experience."